Oh come on, now you're flaming the entire forum,
and me, in particular on looking up IP addresses,
which takes all of, oh, 5 seconds? Because I
think its a underhanded and stupid trick to
pretend you're someone else to defend yourself.
I ALWAYS sign my posts. By the way, if I didn't
check them, there might have been another flame
war off that tangent after blue
accused 'anonymous guy' of being shura.
You know what? I was actually HAPPY with the
forum last night. People were having
happy/amusing posts, no one was complaining, and
I didn't have this back-of-the-head feeling that
enjoy it while you can, because someone's going
to start flaming shura for something stupid she
says, then she'll flip out, then there'll be more
flames, etc.
So thanks a lot Fokker, no one can let this go,
and you're just starting another flame, managed
to get shura back, and now I'm so pissed off I'm
considering leaving the forum because I REALLY
don't need this.
*sigh* I don't think I'll bother coming back
until January 2nd to run my scavenger hunt, and
only because I said I would, and I keep my word.
After that, who knows? |