Hi all,
Since there are a lot of new "faces" around, I
thought I'd let everybody know about the informal
cel collectors meeting held every year (early
summer) in Boston for the New England collectors.
I try to contact those people who drop they are
from the area but I'm sure to miss some people.
Please send me an e-mail if interested.
Lastly, Misha posted above about an Atlanta
meeting (my hometown originally) and I have met a
few collectors before when I go back there. But
if you guys want to hold an informal one, please
let me know since I get down there quite a bit
(in fact, in a week or so, I'll be there).
The nicest things about meeting collectors in
person is that you really do realize how subtly
different online personas are from the reality
(this has, for the most part, been a pleasant
surprise for me).
Best wishes everybody for a happy new year!