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Re: Re: Re: is production cel one of a kind? (Fri Jan 4 00:48:16 2002 )
Nabs-chan [View profile ]

You should also note that reprints/reproduction 
cels are 90% of the time labeled as such. Cels 
that AREN'T reproduction cels have sequence 
numbers at the top of the cel. Those that don't 
(and aren't reproductions/reprints) can be 
special cels to make posters, covers, etc. If you 
aren't sure, ask the seller. Most sellers are 
very honest about what they're selling and will 
be happy to answer any questions.

If you're still unsure, ask here. The regulars 
here are always on the top of things and will 
tell you if something is a reproduction cel or a 
well done fan cel. ^_^


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