That cel is positively lucious... *_* Many
congratulations to you for acquiring it! :D
And um, I still have your VoH cel.... X_X;;;;;;
don't kill me, it's just that I had to stay here at
my Mom's over a WEEK longer than I had
planned because so many flights were
booked. I'll be flying home on Monday though,
and I have three cels to ship out next Tuesday,
and one of them will be your cel. Since it's
taken me SOOOO long to get it out to you, I'll
see if I can't whip up an extra little anime
goody to throw in with it since you've been so
patient. ^^;;;;
That's all. Ja for now! ^^;
- Riven
p.s. - Your Clary cels rock the casbah *_* |