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I'm as clueless as you are... :P (Mon Apr 29 01:43:08 2002 )
Lady Zatara [View profile ]

I have several cels/drawings that are meaningless
to me (as they were parts of sets, etc) and
although they're nice, I have no idea what to
do with them...

I ended up sticking them on eBay, but at $15-$20
each (less than they actually COST me), it's not
really worth it... besides, after you figure in
eBay fees, Paypal fees, etc... ugh... 

I'm debating on whether to just throw out stuff
if I can't sell it.  It's not worth anything to
me to just sit in my closet.  :P  I have 
production drawings that are just little "pieces"
of people or stuff or whatever that I think are
going to find their way to the garbage today
(which I hate to do, as a lover of animation, but
when you wouldn't even be able to GIVE the junk
away, why let it clutter your cel books?)...

aka Lady Zatara

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