I didn't crash and burn, but my browser *did*
heavily choke on the scripts. And yes, all the
images were broken for me too. . . Hitting
refresh did some strange things. And without the
abilty to right click for "show picture", I was
out of luck.
The layout of the page is script-flashy, but not
visually attractive, IMHO. I hated Windows 98 for
trying to make all my desktop windows look like
webpages, and I've just learned I equally dislike
seeing webpages that look like my desktop. ~_~ I
think this is the type of thing for which the
phrase "less is more" was invented. Something
much simpler would be much more attractive to
both view. . . and download/run. o_0;
But I'd still love to see the cels if the images
get fixed. ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,