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On a very positive note......Shout outs!! AND Thanks!! (Sun Jan 20 14:43:01 2002 )
E-N-J [View profile ]

I'd like to give a HUGE shout out to those great 
people first in the non-Japanese (meaning in 
Japan, except for Stephen) cel community that 
have made things so great for me over the past 
Stephen: from Anime-Taro (we have a lot in common 
actually) Like my brother in Japan. Thank you bro!
Yann: great guy for not busting my balls even 
when I owe him. But more and also for this site, 
his knowledge, and for coming down and talking to 
us "mere collectors"! as a mere collector 
himself!! etc/. etc.daily patience with the crazy 
comments and mundane topics. At the same time 
speaking out when he thinks he needs to.Thank you 
bro! Thanks for this place and your mind. Even 
when we disagree on Dragonball ^-^.
Other dealers: like Anime-link's own Mr. Alonzo, 
Anime-world, Animegame,Usagai's house, Asylum 
Anime,Anime Chaos (no business yet, but hell of a 
personality, one that I can really respect from 
this forum) thank you all for the lovely cels and 
good business!!
And last, but definetly not least, to my good-
good friends online/offline,first and foremost 
Sean from "GogetaOO" he is like family, and to 
Sheri "Saiyanwolf". and Emily, from 
"anotherceljunkie" my sisters of collecting,again 
Stephen from Taro "keeping me sane". Also great 
people that I have done business with like 
Piccolokane (SheriLynn) and Chris, Alex(Gunnm 
cel/info.), Jenn B., and Erik K.,Ruby P., etc., 
etc., Others, like Blair, Misha, and Drac of 
Sharp Smiles, that have given great insight on 
things, especially when I have personally 
overreacted, or just when they have provided a 
great service of information taken from 
experience;also, when I have just "lurked and 
read posts" and have not engaged. I just want to 
let you all know. That you have enriched me with 
your knowledge,your patience, and your wisdom. 
Also, you have saved me loads of money, and have 
made some of my evenings and afternoons enjoyable 
by reading your posts here on this forum. I owe 
you a lot for what I have and the choices that I 
consider sound to make when selecting cels even 
when we don't collect the same series (check that 
out) and people to do business with. I live in 
Japan, get it staight, I am not kissing anyone's 
butt first off by doing this. I have ample 
opportunity to get good cels, okay. I just want 
to show some appreciation for the many excellent 
people that I have just mentioned that can make 
your life as a collector a lot easier (like they 
have mine)if you just listen to what they have to 
say and show some respect-- You'll be doing 
yourself a service. Thank you guys a million 
times over! I will go and have some Sou-chu now 
or some Sake, if you don't know what that is, it 
is alcohol okay, Japanese style ^-^ Goodnight and 
sweet dreams, God bless (Japan time ^-^)

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