Yeah same Eric (Erik) dilemma here..I had trouble
cause at first I was getting blamed for another
Eric's bad behavior, so that's why I went with
eric-n-japan, then that got long, so I started
with the e-n-j, and then I thought about the
capitalization thing, so I have gone to "E-N-J"
whew! I also used the alias, "youaretheone", but
then that is my auction handle for eBay and
YahooJapan, so I stopped using it here cause I
didn't want everyone to think I was using this
forum as 'just' a place to sale...yeah, a lot of
Eric's, Alex's, Mike's here for some strange
reason. I just saw today, in fact, an Eric (E.J.)
it's not me folks, just another one of my "look-a-
likes" ^-^ or visa-versa.. |