The sudden flood of zero feedback cel buyers on
Ebay? I do a lot of Ebay surfing, and it seems
for certain series that there's a TON of people
now bidding with zero feedback or sunglasses.
Everytime I log on and do a search for the show
or shows I like, I find a different zero feedback
person bidding on each item. I would normally
never thing twice about it, but, it's very
specific cels and merchandise that are getting
the onslaught of zero feedback bidders. It's
just mildly I think it's the same
person(s) just changing their names on Ebay
constantly for some reason.. Oh well, just my
meaningless banter, wanted to know if anyone else
was wondering about it. I know of lot of sellers
who've been completely taken recently by zero
feedbackers...hope it doesnt happen to anyone
else! And, this is also not meant to smash new
Ebay comers. This is just wierd to me because
there are so many so suddenly. |