Hi All
Thought you might be interested :)
>Yahoo! Auctions is holding a free listing day on
Thursday 24 Jan. In
>addition to all listings being free (final value
and special feature
>fees will apply) Yahoo is holding a contest in
conjunction with the FLD.
> Sellers will have the opportunity to win one
of two cruise packages on
>the Cunard Line.
>Free listing day is on the US site from 00:01 PT
and 23:59 PT on Thu 14
>Jan 2002. To qualify for the contest, sellers
must submit a minimum of
>50 items on free listing day, and Yahoo will
choose the winners based on
> * The seller with the highest sell-
though (highest percentage of
>successfully sold auctions) from the total
listed on free listing day -
>this makes a prize possible for smaller sellers
> * The seller with the highest total
dollar sales (total of gross
>selling prices of all items listed on free
listing day) - this directs a
>prize towards bigger sellers
>More information will be posted on the Yahoo!
Auctions site on Tue 22
>Though this FLD was in the works for many weeks,
long before the ebaY
>announcement of increased fees, the timing could
not be better. If any
>of you needed an extra incentive to move some or
all of your listings to
>Yahoo Auctions, can there be a better time than
>Move 3 million auctions to Yahoo Auctions and
the BUYERS will follow.
>Move 3 million auctions to Yahoo Auctions and
the community will have an
>opportunity to break the ebaY monopoly. This is
something you ALL can
>participate in, and do it for FREE!!! What do
you have to lose except
>higher sales, the chance to win a cruise and the
opportunity to take the
>online auction and trading industry back into
the hands of the sellers
>and buyers who make this industry the fantastic
marketplace it is.
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