Blair - a thought,
Mary has now perhaps stepped over a line as far as
eBay is concerned. You might ask a helpful bidder
if he or she would forward the email Mary sent to
eBay and then yourself follow up with the idea
that if bidders believe Mary, they will not bid on
your auctions, reducing the final value fees that
eBay collects from you.
Basically, what she is doing now could very well
impact eBay in the pocket, and they might be more
receptive to finally ending Mary's reign of
If I were in your situation, I would also submit
proof (if you can) of Mary's harassment of you via
unwanted junk email to show that it is a personal
attack by one eBay member on another. It might
(If you would /ever/ login, I would have sent this
in an email! ^_~ )
Kitt |