I can't speak for everyone, but I like 2mil
Mylar D bags. They are really stiff and clear.
The only thing with these bags are that you need
to buy backing tissue. If you don't, the
electromagnetic force can make the cels stick to
the bag.
I have gotten Mylar Ds at a reasonable price at
bagsunlimited.com. I don't remember where I
bought the tissue, but I know you can find some
at archival specialty stores. (Oh yeah, make
sure you get acid- and ligen-free kind!)
I can honestly say I that compared to the other
bags I've used (the ones that dealers typically
use) that my cels hold up a lot better in these
bags. (i.e. no layer spotting, dust, etc.)
Feel free to drop me a note if you have any
questions. (jINx@jcrave.com)