These are artwork images of the Frost brothers
from "Gundam X" which were featured with
character profiles in the "GX" Visual Book and
the artbook. Aren't they GORGEOUS?!! *_* Catch me
for I think I may swoon, ahh!!
Forgive the horrid scan O_o but I thought they
might be cels because on Olba's... um, pants you
can see light gray lines for the jeans' seaming.
You can't really see it here, but it looks like
how they fine outline the colors on cels.
There aren't many pictures of the Frost kyodai
besides images from the actual anime, and I
absolutely *LOVE* these two, obviously! As a
serious fangirl collector, I would give an arm
and a leg and Christmas paychecks for these!!!!
Thanks for the help and interest, Pharna! ^_^
who can't take her eyes off the scan... "GX"
hankens, come out, come out wherever you are! ~_^ |