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Gallery update, AX, and etc... (Sun Jul 22 11:02:45 2001
kellyk [View profile
Hihi everybody!
Updated with 8 new cels this time. From the Taro sale and AX.
Includes 2 wishlist cels! Happy dance!!
2 Utena
2 Esca Other
2 Misc (Gunnm and Plastic Little)
1 Ranma
1 Tenshi ni Narumon
And remember for those of you who like regular thumbnails there is a
link on the bottom of each gallery page to a regular thumnail page. ^_^
and as for AX..
It was great! Loved meeting those of you that I was able to, you know who you are -_^.
Kinda had to leave the cel panel a bit early as I was staying in Corona. Saw many
many great cels though!!!
and Curt's Escaflowne Hanken Mono!!!! Heheeee!
Missed Misa though! : ( Next year I'll find you and bring Shinnosuke with me! ; )
and if you have e-mailed me in the last two weeks I'll be getting to my mail today.
I was at a family reunion (w/ little computer access) and while at AX I had no access
to a computer.
It was as I like to say "nerve-wracking at best!" Thank goodness Taro didn't update much.
But it did keep me from spending more money.
Ja ne,
Kelly ^_^
Message thread :
- Gallery update, AX, and etc... - kellyk (22 Jul 11h02)