Howdy, from Texas. The temperature is currently
127 degrees. Would you like some free webspace
and simple web-based tools to create your own cel
gallery? Read on. (If not, be my friend and read
on anyway!)
I’ve only been collecting for a short time, but I
decided that perhaps it was time to create a cel
gallery for myself. Rubberslug is that gallery.
However, this cel gallery is a little different.
All the pages with cels are generated in real-
time from a big database. Why should you care?
Well, the same tools I created this cel gallery
with (plus a few more which are still in testing)
will soon be made available to you to create your
*own* cel gallery. We’re not quite ready to take
this system live, but when we do, it’ll be as
simple as uploading new cels to our computers and
writing descriptions for them. The Rubberslug
server handles the rest.
The advantages here are pretty neat. Never have
to worry about updating HTML and uploading to a
server ever again. Add, remove, and reorganize
cels on your lunch hour. Thumbnails are created
automatically. Create private password-protected
sections of your gallery for friends.
Already have a cel gallery? We have some
surprises down the road for even the most veteran
of cel collectors. One of the big things we’re
working on is a massive searchable database that
will provide information about artwork from any
show you folks can think of. Tired of people
asking about Love Hina cels? Just how rare *is* a
cel of Ein? Point these questions to our site for
answers -– contributed by your fellow expert cel
What’s the catch? Why are we doing this? Because
we love you. That’s why. We’re cel collectors
too, you know. By day, we work for boring people
with fast cars. Cel collectors are a lot more
fun. Have fun collecting -- I’ll make sure to
post here again when we’re ready to go live with
this thing sometime in August.
Until then, check us out in development and tell
your friends:
Beta: http://www. (click me)
Coming soon to: http://www.rubber (click me after August 2001)
Jason |