Yea! one i can finally answer. Its from Tenchi
universe Ep3 "No Need For Worries" the scene
takes place when Sasami inquires on what to call
the cabbit known as Ryo-Ohki. Ryoko is sitting up
in her little spot and says "thats easy, Ryo-
Its a great cel, very nice relaxed an piceful and
was thinking of getting it my self from
animegame, but sigh, spent a huge chunk of change
on the last 3 ryoko cels i picked up.
Im the one that picked up the $800 cel from
mangaya (OVA1 w/ background) a ova7 from artworks
oasaka ($300) and just won a yahoo JP acution
through celga for a ova2 ryoko ($185 oh yea i
love auctions!). Now my collection is nearly
complete, though now i am also nearly broke.
Thank god the good ova cels on ebay dried up for
the last few months allowing me to save up an get
these. |