WHA! I like your new layout =^-^= -nyo
Especially when you click on the cels and it
brings you to a new page with all the info SUGOI!
I also agree with Saxxydiva about the layout
working *nods* and how hard it is to redo your
page...it took me like 3 or 4 days just to redo
my website LOL. Also like that crosshairs thing
too...pretty clever how you incorporated that
in...white cross...white crosshairs hehehehe ^.~
*poke poke* very very cleaver -nyo.
Anyway one thing I'd like to suggest is
watermarking your perdy perdy cel pictures ^_^
I've noticed that you had some on a few cels, but
not on the others....hmmmmmmmmmmmm ah the
mysteries of life and green cheese -nyo ^_^;;;
Anyway keep up the good work -nyo
-Satoshi /Obviously too pepped up on sugar#