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If you liked the style, it's imitating Leiji Matsumoto's work (text) (Sat Sep 1 08:05:15 2001 )
Misha-chan (nli) [View profile ]


It's computer, I believe. I asked the same thing 
when the vids first came out (check the archives) 
and I believe we found it was done by CG. 
Certainly looks it. I love them, but at the same 
time can't help but wonder how many peopel 
say "They look so cool!" without realizing what 
they parody/imitate. You liked the guitar palyer? 
Check out Captain Harlock ^_^


-P.S. - I got a tip that Matsumoto himself 
directed them, but somehow I don't think that's 
true..they definitely have his feel, espeially 
with the plot elements, but I htink they're a 
cleverly done imiatation (which should at least 
give the man some credit...I mean, they have 
Tetsuro in there!!!)

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