Hi all,
really interesting question for me. I have seen a
cel that I dont really like, from a show I've
never heard of, and the price is really cheap.
The bg would look just perfect with another
higher end cel that I have. But the cel that
comes with the bg is stapled to it, and it comes
with sketches and all kinds of neato things. Id
feel sort of bad by sepparating the set just to
have the bg for one of my other cels :( Has
anyone else ever had this dilemma? I dont know,
Im wierd...to me, everything has feelings. I
will eat the last piece of food on the plate
simply becasue I feel bad that it didnt get eaten
with the rest of the food. So, Id feel sort of
bad about separating a cel set to have the bg for
the other cel. The original cel to me has no
real worth, I dont even recognize the show, and
the cel's not very good, small waist up image.
What to do? |