Ah, after such a lousy day, this was just the
thread to get me all perky-happy-like. ^_^
Swordsmen are my greatest weakness, and my
favourite thing to collect cels of. I'll not
subject everyone to more Guitar (although he *is*
my favourite guy with a sword ^-^) so I'll try
this one instead (if the html will agree with me,
anyway. ^-^)
One of my favourite action shots. ^-^ From the
incredibly brief scene at the beginning of the
first ep of Jubei-chan, and something I never
thought I'd actually get..
It's a shame, I've recently got quite several new
sword-wielding cels, but they're not uploaded
yet. >.< (*still* no phone line, and still only
getting online access from on-campus,
unfortunately..) |