Hello Everyone, this is my very first time
posting as far as sales are concerned, so if I
make any discussion board faux pas please let me
know. I'm not putting prices on the board just
in case I'm not supposed to, but anyone
requesting all of this info. below will also get
the relevant pricing (where below it says EMAIL)
right away. Please just email colinreece@msn.com
and I'd be more than happy to. Well, here goes,
hope everyone has some time to spare... oh yeah,
for those of you new to the forum, just cut and
paste the links into your address bar, be sure to
get ALL of the link (links usually posted wrap to
another line or two...)
The following is a list of 63 Fist of the
Northstar/Hokuto no Ken cels I have for sale. I
have spent many years (and hours within those
years) gathering such a beautiful and rare
collection. However, as the typical story goes,
sometimes we overdo it. I will keep about five
of my very favorites, but I've come to the
conclusion that, although they have brought me
happiness, they need to be actually displayed-not
simply sitting in my closet, all by their
lonesome. If you've always wanted to collect,
now's the time, for this my possibly be the
largest and nicest quality sale (that I've seen
anyway) on HNK, not to mention affordable given
the info. below. You will notice there are many,
many, rare and hard to find characters, scenes,
etc.- at least ones at this caliber of quality.
As with most collectors, it will be hard to
separate myself from my treasures, but sometimes
we just have to do things that we'd rather not-
and outstanding bills help that process along :)
You will see below that I've bundled prices for
those looking for a specific character- however
I will also give discounts to those interested in
multiple cels. The majority of cels below come
with the matching background. Be sure to check
out all the A1's, ENDS, MOVIE, and *rare
characters, all of the below are pretty much
unique, but as a collector I'm simply describing
my own experiences of rarity (obviously)- this is
not to say people don't have them, just that they
are not to be found yet on the internet (besides
these of course). Although I'm already selling a
vast majority of them for less than I paid (I
know everybody says this, but any HNK collector
knows the relevant costs for key characters,
international shipping, cel commissions if
applicable etc. etc.) the cels will also be given
further discounts on the following terms:
Further Discounts
1) Multiple cels- as in anything, the more you
buy, the cheaper the prices. I have bundled
specific characters together for an idea of the
discounts, but this is simply an example, and
mixes and matches will be honored.
2) Paypal- this helps expedite the order, keeps
me up to date, and generally helps me get paid
quicker, your cels faster, etc. There is a 5%
discount in addition to any other applicable
discounts that may apply. For those of you
saying "awwww man, I don't have paypal, a cred.
card etc. I will more than happily reimburse the
5% if the payment gets here within a week of the
3) The Ultimate Discount take them all for EMAIL
(or make offer, but can't guarantee these will
still be around..) A savings of *gulp* EMAIL
(that's a whopping 33% savings!!!!!!) I will even
ship them all in their cel portfolio!!! (paypal
and fast payment discount also apply!!) See Next