I am sure those of you out there who are Gundam
Wing fans saw the YJ Auction of the Beautiful Duo
cel and the likewise stunning Quatre cel. The
two cels started at 50,000 yen. Ring any bells?
Anyhow, I kicked myself the last time I decided
not to go for the Duo cel, and decided that this
was it...It was going to be mine! And, althoug I
am not as big of a Quatre fan, I would have loved
that beautiful cel of him.
Well...My max bid was quite high (at least for
me). But it was not enough to take the cake.
You see, the seller had the reserve set at
400,000 yen. I am out of my mind, or is this
just a little excessive? I know that the scenes
are rare and that the cels are quite beautiful,
but 400,000 yen?!?!?
Maybe I just don't understand the value of the
cels. Anyhow, I just wanted to vent my
frustration and sorrow. Thanks for listening!
If you have a cel of that Duo scene that you
would be willing to get rid of, please do contact
me. But if you are looking for that kind of
price, don't waste your time...I cannot possibly
pay it.
Jenn:( |