Would you kindly send me my DBZ Gohan cel please
Nickolas Robb of
1072 East Windsor Dr,
(nlsmom@beanbagmail.com and nlsmom@beanemail.com)
Ebay id: dbcels
You have long since cashed my money order yet I
am still waiting for my cel from which I paid for
on 2nd June 2001.
Last time you actually replied on 24th Sept you
"Hello, I recieved the cel back along time ago
saying return to sender.I was trying to contact
you but never got a reply.I still have the cel
packaged in the original package i sent it in."
I barely receive replies to my email never mind
have you contact me without me constantly
emailing you. I told you to send the cel to my
new address when I paid as i was moving. In any
case I was at that address till about 20h June.
Airmail to the UK takes 4-10 days.
I have asked you to re-mail the cel to me and
have received no response. I offered to pay for
Global Priority so there is a tracking number as
i am reluctant to accept another form of shipping.
Are you going to reply or will i just keep
putting your details on message boards to warn
people of dealings with you? This is really
lame. If it is true that the cel is still
sitting there what is the difficulty in you
resending it to me?
I have reported you to squaretrade also.