Well, it's not exactly what you want to read
when you come hom from a long day. Not
sure who this person is or why they felt the
need to send me this email. I have no idea if
they are planning on sending an email to the
rest of the Sailor Moon community, but you
might want to keep an eye out. It's actually a
rather bizarre email in terms of why it was
sent to me, because I think the cel community
knows that I don't collect Outer Senshi/Sailor
Stars cels, but who knows. I just hope that no
one else gets something like this. Doesn't
exactly put one in a good mood, if you know
what I mean.
From: Togepimeg@aol.com
Date: Mon Oct 29, 2001 05:16:34 PM US/
To: cclose@cris.com
Subject: Sailor Earth made 1995
I personly think your website sucks.I have a
better one.Plus you need more cels of Sailor
Saturn.And I have my own show.It comes
complete with 9 new sailors.Your so lucky to
know this.I dont care about your dumb policy.I
will print these cels and put them on my
website. Nageta or Sailor Earth