I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts
were on finding cels from those obscure anime
titles that nobody (at least in the US) has ever
heard of. What would you say would be the best
way to find these cels? Given the fact that I've
only been able to find this sort of thing on
Yahoo Auctions Japan, I was wondering if there
would be a better, easier way to find these
things... I would assume going to those big name
cons would be one idea, but since I'm a poor
college student way up in Michigan, I really
doubt I'll be able to hit the good ones any time
soon. Has anyone else had this same dilemma?
Anyway... let me know what you think on this
topic and maybe we can all grunt in unison to our
frustration in trying to find those obscure
cels... hmmmmmmm
Rekka ~~~ |