Like was said in the earlier thread, the only
production art to come from it will be gengas and
dougas ^^ In January there was an exhibition and
the repro cels were released, and they are
finally beginning to filter into the American
market (such as at Usagi's House). I'm hoping
more will show up, because what I've seen so far
hasn't exactly been my cup of tea (Saiyuki is
infamous for it's ugly can these
guys be so fishy-lipped and yet so attractive at
the same time? Most of the reproes I've seen are
of Genjou Sanzou, also dubbed "the anal retentive
trigger-happy fishy-lipped bird-headed guy in a
dress" by some people in the Saiyuki
community...^^;; Of course, there is a nice
Konzen at Usagi's...past incarnations are so fun,
especially when they call certain hermaphroditic
dieties (Kanzeon Bosatsu) "kusobaba"...^^;; Of
course, being hir nephew, se can't really do to
much to him...), but I know there's more out
there (c'mon, there's gotta be some Homura
floatin' around...he's such a popular character,
especially in the yaoi community for his penchant
to gaze over flowing fields of flowers at sunset,
looking longingly into the distance, whilst
whispering "Goku..." under his breath ^^;; And
there's GOTTA be at least one Kogaiji...if there
isn't, I'm going to cry. Sexiest thing to ever
have two legs and a bellybutton...umm, not that I
like him or anything (what can I say? Guys who
wear dog collars...*.*)...but I digress -.-;;),
so just keep an eye out. OK, I'll shut up now...
OH, BTW, if anyone ever finds and Saiyuki
production art...I will maul for it. I mean, it's
done airing on TV (at 50 episodes...odd number,
ne? It's normally 52...), one would think stuff
would have started circulating by now... I've
been waiting forever (since it started airing)
for shtuff, and would be very grateful. Ja!
-Misha-chan |