It was the first time that I had heard of
Kenshin. It was curious to me that the gentlemen
in this case trading or selling such a superb
specimen of a DBZ cel, would be willing to trade
Trunks for this character Kenshin, that I wanted
to know the anime character that he was referring
to. Maybe he likes characters with swords, heck I
don't know. Since I like DBZ/GT a great deal, I
wanted to see what was great about Kenshin. As a
matter of fact since I live in Japan I want to go
to the video store today to see if I can rent
this video series. I am always interested in
checking out new anime, especially involving
action. I am not hung up on Trunks cels, He is
not my favorite character. I have my own
collection of rare and beautiful cels. He is one
of my least admired characters actually in DB. I
am a Gojita, Gohan and Goku fan through and
through and if anyone would like to talk about it
I would be more than happy, especially Gojita 4!!
That I am always searching for!! But of course
this open forum leads to attacks from actually
non-interested parties, I should have known
better than to deal the "children of mischief"
here. I will save any further questions and
observations on this topic to the party involved
via private e-mail. |