I got a cell last night... one of Misa's on Ebay.
Based on the discussion below, I probably paid a
bit of premium for it (still haven't developed a
good eye for price, guess that takes more than a
few weeks of experience). But, as one of -- if
not the -- only one's I've come across that fit
what I was looking for, it was worth it. I know
my nephew Mike will be really psyched about it,
and that's what matters.
I just wanted to thank Drac and Megan and Kubiki
and Yuki and all the rest who either replied to
my questions here or took the time out to email
me. Great thing about specialty interests and the
web -- you always find cool and generous people
willing to help.
My own problem is that while endlessly searching
for this cell, I kept seeing ones that *I* would
like... Ack! You may not have seen the last of
me, I fear. I always seem to fall into the money-
sucking hobbies. *grumbles*
Thanks again all,
Tim |