BUMMER homestead is gonna start charging per
month for personal webpages. I gotta pay extra to
give my poor cels a place to live!
I HATE THAT...now I have to move and I dont
have any place to move to..also im gonna have to
learn more html..arrrgh I just figured out how to
keep my stuff from lookin like crud too..(well
kinda)now I gotta figure out new stuff..**crying
at the scanning she is gonna hve to redo***
**sniffle** I dont LIKE moving..but im not paying
them either,its sleazy for them to tell me that
the reason they are doing it is to get better
quality webpages..If you wanted better quality
webpages you wouldnt host a template site..grrrr..
60 days...its gonna take me that long to learn
how to line up cels so they don't float all over
the place.
well if anyone knows of a good FREE place to hang
my hat..Id appreciate the suggestions..
**muttering ** ten bucks a month..thats money I
use for SHIPPING dammit..
pale getting ready the cardboard boxes.