Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Hmm, this is just a thought, or, more like a complaint... (Wed Mar 14 21:17:58 2001
Shawnna B
this is really beast-like of me to bring this up
here, but out of pure frustration I just, have to.
How is it that people can spend so much money on
so many cels?? I mean, I go to galleries and
stuff and look around, and people have some
amazing things that I would LOVE to have! But, I
have rent to pay, bills, car insurance, not to
mention a pest of a disorder that has me in the
doctor's office at least every two months. Then
there's the cons/trips I want to take, that I see
most of these "gallery" owners going to as well?
HOW DO YOU DO IT? Do you live at home with your
parents? Do you not buy food? Do you shop at
Goodwill? (Not that Im slamming GW or anything,
they rock so dont get hairy on me)
No, but seriously people? I am a professional
animator/artist, and there is nothing more in
this life that I love than animation and art. I
used to own quite a bit of neat stuff, and I
still own some cool things, but YEOW! Im a HUGE
Nuriko fan from FY, but I tell you what..I just
assume make my OWN cels (and better at that) than
spend roughly half of my rent on one painted
picture of him at a half-side view! Man, there
were some things that I REALLY wanted on Ebay,
and another girl who has some great ones that I
want so bad I can hardly stand to pass them
up....but really....I want them but LIFE will
have otherwise...at least for moi. What's sad is
that I make damn good money too! I work for a
gaming company in Austin! Im good at what I do,
and yet I still cant afford all this stuff like
most of you all can. Please, tell me your
secrets oh wise ones! HOW DOTH THEE DO IT?
I have one Nuriko cel left, I paid somewhere
around 280 bucks for it in college...and I would
really like one or two more to have, but man
folks, some of you I think just want to milk the
fans out there for all you can get. Some of
these prices I've seen, REALLY overpriced and
unfair. One person doesnt even have prices up,
THEY just "takes offers", like a secret
auction...please, at least on Ebay us poor saps
can see what we're up against. And I cant even
make an offer cause Im sure there's some *Otaku*
out there who's offered three times that on it.
Sad, really sad.
And yeah, you say, "Oh if you were a true fan
you'd pay at any cost!" Yeah yeah, I done heard
it all. Im a former otaku myself, but then real
life came and bit me in the rear, and bills
replaced cels and anime in my life. So this
might sound like a whining rage, but Im sure a
lot of you can relate...at least, those of you
who have families, jobs, things to pay for can.
No offense to those of you who dont, and can
somehow still afford you're salacious cel
addictions..more power to ya..this is just me
being rahter let down that I cant afford a single
peice of decent artwork, from an ANIME of all
things too! I have some excellent Don Bluth cels
with backgrounds that costed less than some of
the cels of certain anime characters that I've
I dont know, Im done ranting now folks, flame me,
agree with me, I dont really care. One good
thing has come from me not being able to afford
these dam things though....its made my drive to
create nice artwork somewhat ravenous..I
figure, "Hey, if I cant buy it, I'll make
something better!" If I had the time and the
physical reserves, I would make better cels than
Studio Pierrot themselves...oh, and I could sell
them to people for prices that everyone could
afford :). Have a nice day collectors!
Hopefully tomorrow will be a nicer day for me,
and I wont be so gripy anymore....sorry about
this @_@~ |
Message thread :
- Hmm, this is just a thought, or, more like a complaint... - Shawnna B (Mar 14 21:17)
- Re: Hmm, this is just a thought, or, more like a complaint... - Ryouko (Mar 14 21:29)
- Re: Hmm, this is just a thought, didn't sound like a complaint. ^^ - Avery (Mar 14 21:34)
- Re: Hmm, this is just a thought, or, more like a complaint... - Malaryush (Mar 14 22:23)
- Crap... - Larg0 (Mar 14 22:27)
- Re: Hmm, this is just a thought, or, more like a complaint... - misa (Mar 14 22:47)
- OKKEEEE.. - Kenshinnlvr (Mar 14 23:15)
- My secret - 2nd job bar tending on weekends ^-^ [nt] - Leigh (Mar 14 23:38)
- Re: Hmm, this is just a thought, or, more like a complaint... - Lady Brick (Mar 15 00:05)
- Re: Hmm, this is just a thought, or, more like a complaint... & a reply - Evil Jewess (Mar 15 01:11)
- Temper, temper....(My take, on all of this.) - crackdog (Mar 15 06:57)
- Enjoy what you have, not what you don't - Chi (Mar 15 08:52)
- Re: Hmm, this is just a thought, or, more like a complaint... - EAB (Mar 15 15:52)
- Re: Hmm, this is just a thought, or, more like a complaint... - tkn_grl (Mar 15 18:02)