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Oh yeah! Lots of 'em! (Sat Mar 24 03:48:24 2001 )
Hoover Dam

Lots of anime have live action things connected to 
'em.  Yup, I've seen live action Kekko Kamen 
material.  Buddy of mine recently sent me a really 
craptastic TV movie of Blackjack, a series which 
has also been turned into an all-female stage 
musical.  (Other anime with stage musicals: Utena, 
Sailor Moon [tons of 'em], Sakura Wars, Rose of 
Versailles).  Video Girl Ai, Maison Ikkoku, Crying 
Freeman, 8 Man, Fist of the North Star [including 
awful western-made flick too], Golgo 13, Sanctuary, 
Gundam, there's lots of it out there, and in almost 
all cases you'll do better to stick to the anime/
manga (Sanctuary's a notable exception to this).  
Most of these are either tv shows or made for tv 
movies, some are theatrical movies.  Almost all of 
'em are pretty low budget.  

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