Finaly put everything on a page once more. Easier
that way. Just threw up two Tasuki cels, one with
a set price, one Chihaya cel and an Aya WK cel
with a set price as well-paid $130 for the Aya
cel, but well, into collecting other cels now.
The other two are for offers/trades only. I
almost have one person willing to buy the Chihaya
cel and about to let them have it, but am waiting
and giving folks enough time. Actually two folks
who want the cel-just giving them time and such.
One person who I'm waiting for them to reply back.
Have two other Tasuki cels I'm considering
selling or trading off that are not on the page,
but need to ponder to do so on them. Still
cleaning out a bit, but those four are gone.
Other cels might be added this week too.
Pondering on selling some SM cels, because I'm
going more into just getting cels of guys. ^^;; |