I have attached a pic below of a cel with MAJOR
line fading. ;_; (it is currently in transit)
It absolutely broke my heart to see this wishlist
cel in much poor condition.
My guess is that the previous owner may have had
this cel on display where there was a lot of
light. Light is the #1 culprit of line fading.
(natural or articicial light)
How can it be avoided? One way is to keep your
cels in an archival safe book away from windows
or direct light of any kind. If you REALLY want
to display your cels, make sure that they are
framed with UV protectant glass or UV protectant
plexiglass (which isn't as "clear" and tends to
be easier to scratch).
Even with the UV protection, make sure that
framed cels are exposed to as little light as
possible as that it can still fade lines
gradually over time.
Hopefully the scan will show up below. (crosses
jINx |