I got the most amazing batch lot of Lost Universe
cels yesterday... almost all of them are of Milly
in her dancer costume from the very first episode!
After much deliberation (I love this kind of
deliberation :) and about a pint of Ben and
Jerry's for inspiration, I've finally chosen the
ones I'm going to keep, and have placed the rest
on my trade or sale page for... big surprise
here... trade or sale.
I've also posted one Slayers cel for trade or
sale, and will probably add a couple more by the
end of the day.
And, finally, I dropped the price on that one
Warner Brothers cel... anyone out there like Taz?
As always, trades would be preferable, but since I
need cash right now, negotiable green papery stuff
is not likely to be turned away. Please drop me a
note if you see anything you'd like.
*waves byeeee and heads off to create her new Lost
Universe page to display the goodies she's keeping
for her greedy little self*