I would said like, every cel I just saw posted
under this thread would be my favourite.
Especially those gorgeous Folken ones, and that
movie Hitomi. *_* Sadly, while Escaflowne is my
favourite series, I only want to collect the
nicest cels from it, and I can't afford the nice
ones. ;_; So my collection sucks and my cels
aren't very nice. But, out of my personal
collect, this is my favourite [it's also the first
cel I bought].
however, if I ever find a cel of Van with his bow
and arrow, or when he's practicing on the roof in
Austoria and Allen confronts him and he turns to
look at him with a crooked smile when Allen asks
if he wants to practice with him . . . well . . .
I'll sell my soul for those. *_*