Gah! Just came back...I want to say sorry for
biting yer heads off back there! I tend to do
that at times when I'm under pressure. I know you
were only trying to be helpful... -_-;; But just
you know...flipping out of my mind and needed an
outlet at that time I think. I was freaking out a
bit and trying to get things in order, but finaly
back home. I hate to cancel a cel order and have
only done it once in the past~~mostly because I
went and got my gallbladder out-too bad I can't
sell that thing for more cels or something on
ebay~~lol But the money came in handy for the
food and gas at the time. Well, came back and
things are fine now. She is doing okay~~ *sings
happily* I just freaked out then. Drove over
there and just things were tight, but she had her
surgery and is up and walking around like nothing
happened! *smacks self* I freakin' can't believe
it...I guess I take things so seriously with her
lately. Well, too long of a story, and won't get
into that here...since she has been ill in the
past-and so we came back home...have to go back
up there later on this week... But, I've gone
broke again... *sigh* I had a small heartattack
and need a vacation now-got grey hairs too!
And...I am not broke anymore! Maybe things are
going my way! I lost three dream cels last month,
but this month is looking up too! I got a great
cel of Aya and I can buy something to cheer me up
too...I tend to buy cels when I'm down, so here's
to dream cels! *raises a toast* Gah, is it only
me or does buying nice cels make ya happy? It's
like an addiction! I'm moving onto Nightwalkers that series.
The trip took most of my money-ok, all of it. Had
enough for food, but came home, opened the mail
and got some money in! I'm back on my feet now.
See, good month! A good month for buying cels...!
Making up for last month! Man, boy am I ever! I
wanta Shiro nightwalker cel now! NOW! Ok, anyone
have any before I loose my sanity? *shakes the
cobwebs from her purse* Boy... *cough* Yes,
buying cels always tends to bring me some
peace...going to send her one too fora present.
*who is too happy right about now, snuggling her
Tasuki cels* |