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Re: Re: Watch me do an about-face on resellers! (Thu Jun 14 08:52:57 2001 )

I wasn't going to name the site, but it looks like 
somebody guessed it in one.

The particular cel I was referring to was a 
Tenchi cel of Katsuhito yelling.  I'm pretty sure 
I saw it a short while ago for $18, now listed for 
$95.  Eh.

I must say, however, that the owner of the site 
responded to a negative e-mail from me in a polite 
and thought-out manner.  Basically, he feels that 
he will provide people with the security of 
knowing that any cels sold by him will be of high 
quality and shipped securely.  Sort of a "fan 
buying cels for other fans".  But since I don't 
know him from Job, I can't say that buying from 
his site would make me feel any more comfortable 
than a well established dealer.

Plus, he made it clear that he enjoys his cels and 
would feel happy keeping them in his collection if 
they don't sell.  Now THAT I can identify with!

Wow---just got another e-mail while writing this. 
 Says I was right and his prices were too high, so 
he lowered them (by maybe 10 or 20% from the looks 
of it).  When was the last time you saw something 
like that?

Nick!  Your prices are too high!
Yann!  Your prices are too high!
Taro!  Your prices are too high!
Miki!  Your prices are....no, wait.  They're just 
fine.  ;-)

Who knows when somebody might listen?

JP  (lol)

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