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Man, ya know this just stinks... Heh...FY new cel too-hopefully! (Sun Jun 17 07:37:25 2001 )

Gosh, just get so riled to miss an update on a 
cool cel. Yesh, but just checked like an hour or 
so ago and Animegame didn't have any new cels, 
but now checked, not only did they have a wicked 
cool evil Tamahome cel-it was already on hold! 
Man, that's fast! Gah, just ya hate times like 
that? The page says not even updated yet-and that 
was fast! Well, congrats to the person who 
grabbed it seriously fast, because it was not 
there like a while ago. ;_; Oh well...but it is a 
beauty~ ^_^ Never EVER seen such a beautiful 
Tamahome cel. That has to be the one! Anyway, 
whoever got it, e-mail me and let me know what 
price they were asking for-just want to know what 
they are going for...

On, some encouraging greater news-I got me a 
Suzaku beast God cel! I'm so happy! Well, going 
to send out funds tommorow and hope the seller 
don't change their mind. Had some do that and 
that's the pits! As soon as it's paid for, I'll 
show a pic! He's a beauty! ^___^

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