Hi there! ^-^
I'd actually posted in response to one of your
earlier posts regarding this cel, but I think my
message got shunted to the 2nd page pretty
quickly.. ^_^;;
As for what you said, I've noticed that as
well.. Most Jubei-chan cels seem to be pretty
cheap, with the exception of Jubei herself.
As such, I'm not entirely sure what kind of price
range I'd put on it.. Speaking objectively, you
can't actually see much of Shiro's face, and
they're both in profile, so it'd probably be
less.. Subjectively, however, it was a fun
scene, and one of the only shots you get of them
together. And speaking personally, I've been
drooling over that cel in your gallery since I
first saw it. ^_^;; I just adore both characters
so much.
As for an offer...I'll have to get back to you as
soon as I go balance my checkbook and figure out
if I already spent all my money on my latest
spree. ^_^;; Eeek. But I have no doubt you'll
hear back from me.. Hounding you.. ^-^;;