Hello! Want to trade a special cel of
mine...rather do that than sell it. But might
have to sell it tonight. Anyway, before it goes
to Ebay *gags* Don't want it to do that. If you
are interested, e-mail me with an offer or a
trade! Oh yeah, pretty much anything and
everything in my gallery is up for trades-EXCEPT
page FOUR! Gomen, just got those wish cels and
just bought them!
Gah, yeah, my new cels-go check out Tasuki
blushing with his bare shoulder showing some-from
the OAV scene with the snake! Ok, need to stop
loving those new ones. Can't help it! ^_^ Love my
babies~anyway, nothing in my gallery is
NFS~because I always believe in trading. I am
like that I suppose. See something I like, you
like mine, we trade~if not...then maybe another
day somewhere at some place in time in the near
ditant future...