This is my dream cel of Sarah from Shamanic
Princess (and I can count the number of cels I
call 'dream' on my fingers, so I nearly fell out
of my seat when I caught it on Taro awhile ago)
Now, if only I could find the missing leaf
layer... ;)
And another Project cel, this one from Tenshi ni
Narumon. (My only Noelle cel to boot too. ;)
Noelle glomphing Yuusuke in the OP before Baba
knocks him away. This just sums up their
relationship so perfectly-- Noelle looks
completely adoring while Yuusuke flinches &
And finally a cel from the Shin Tenchi Muyo OP. I
just love how Tenchi has that... that...
dangley-wavey-thingy whose name I should
No luck with ending or eyecatches yet, although
I'd happily kill many people for the eyecatch from
the last episode of TnN. *gets all sparkly-eyed* |