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Re: Perhaps .... (Thu Apr 19 16:10:12 2001 )

Yann can place a few ground rules visible on the 
forum or on the post site, like not posting just URLs to auctions or 'what was updated' questions. 
I doubt it'll happen, but it's amazing just how 
few people understand what "netiquette" is. (And 
this, to me, includes signing off a name or nick 
- there's already been a large number of old 
threads about leaving your handle, people should 
really go check the *archives*. I'll leave my 
nick no matter what the vituperative quality of 
And boy, people take the 'freedom of speech' too 
far when they don't understand that 
'responsibility' comes with it. Anyway, that's one 
reason why I've essentially stopped posting 
regularly to this place... I have more fun things 
to do with the 'real' community. ^^ (Yes yes, 
powdered donuts, I'm off the oreos for now...) Oh, 
occasionally I'll pop back in here, but geez...

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