I know, last thing this board needs is another
crybaby post about losing a cel but this is mu
first burn.
I've been savin' up my moola for a cel of
Kojiro/James from Pocket Monsters. Finally one
came up on Yahoo! Japan just a couple of days ago
(it had Musashi/Jessie in it too but that's ok!)
and it was within my price range. I requested
via Celga to bid on the cel but someone had beat
me to it! Now all of a sudden I'm filled with
this paranoia that the same thing is going to
happen everytime I see a Kojiro cel on Yahoo!
Japan and that it'll always be the same person.
Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike this person
or anything, I mean kudos to them for getting the
cel, I hope they're a huge Rocket fan too and
they'll get lots of joy out of it.
So I'd also like to take this chance to put the
word out I'm looking to buy a Kojiro cel, and it
can have ANYONE else in it, as long as it has
Kojiro. I'm not picky either ^_^ I don't require
any complete-with-background gallery piece to
satisfy this desire. :) He doesn't have to be
centered or even have both eyes open. I doubt
there are many poses I'd refuse.
I know they're hard to find, but I'll keep
hoping. :)
Desperate in Delaware!
*hops off*