Hey peoples! I am a major hardcore Sailor
Starlight fan and I have been searching for
Starlights/Three Lights cels for quite a few
months now that aren't...oh...$150 and over (even
though some are worth it, I just won't have that
kind of money until the summer). I was just
wondering if anyone here knew where I could get
some or if anyone here is willing to sell any of
theirs to me. I found a few sites on cels.org
that were selling them but either a) had already
been sold or b)they are not willing to sell.
*begs* So if any of you know where I could get
Starlight cels (group shots or singles) or if
you're willing to sell them to me, please please
email me or message me on Yahoo
(yatenkou_sailorstarhealer)! I will be eternally
grateful and worship you forever!
~*Yaten Kou*~
P.S. eh sorry for the long message ^_^;;; |