Sorry. As I explained in another post, my
schedule has been a bit more than stressful. I
actually bit my whole nail off of my left middle
finger. So excuse my's been hectic ^^
Anyway, after hours of scouring my e-mail
server's records, it's ecided that all mail form
a certain time is not allowed to be accessed or
even ackowledged existence (my server's acting
wierd...keeps telling me it's "waiting to send"
mail that's been sent. They're two different
functions. And I know the mail sent 'cause I got
replies. Bah ><
Anyway, please e-mail me, if you're the one who
wanted Naga. She's waiting for a good home ^^ And
to whomever offered me for the Honou cel (same
situation), I'm sorry, but I've decided to keep
him ^_^ Thank you both for your time,
-Misha-chan |