Okay cel/CCS fans...a true challenge *G*. Below
are two screengrabs of which I have only one layer
to each (and...and they both *need* the other
layer! ^_~). If anybody happens to recognize the
other layer in someone's gallery, or in their own,
or for sale somewhere...I'd really appreciate a
lil message my way (even if you're not willing to
sell it, just so that I can stop looking and
drool at your gallery instead ;)). I know it's a
long shot, but, well...nothing ventured, nothing
gained, right? Right!
Hmm...the below images might be spoilers if you
haven't seen Card Captor Sakura season 3, though I
doubt you could figure out what was going on just
from them alone. Still, you have been warned!
I'd hate to spoil it for anyone :).
The first screengrab is of Yue and Touya (Yue is
the winged guy, Touya is the dark haired guy),
from one of my absolute favorite episodes. I have
the Yue layer, but I don't have Touya :`(. And
without him Yue's kinda groping thin air
*chuckles*. Have you seen this handsome dark
haired man?:

The second screengrab is from the next episode,
also a favorite of mine (thank you soooo much,
Aimee!). This one is a pan, so I'm sorry if the
image looks a little funky...I had to paste two
screenshots together. In this one, I have the
Touya layer (dark haired guy), but I'm missing my
Yukito! (light grey haired guy). Touya looks so
darn sexy, but he'd look even better with Yukito
to fill up the missing space ^_~.
Welp, daz it ^_^. Thank you so much for taking
the time to read through this *bows humbly before
her audience*. These two cels are my newest
aquisitions, and I'd dearly love to complete their
setups. Good night, and happy cel hunting!
Talia ^_^ |