Well...after this whole rash of bad days and
sleepless nights, after exam week and numerous
other happening, the wosdt thing of all happened.
I just cried for about an hour just because of
how angry I was at myself.
You all know how much I was stressing about
Mother's Day, right?
I just SLEPT through the whole damn thing. I had
wanted to spend it with her, ut I woke up at 9:30
PM at night...I feel like utter shit.
I can't express how angry and sad I am right now,
and so I just had to post somewhere to get this
off of my chest...
Sorry about this, I know it's OT, please don't
post messages about it (I won't be responsible
for what I do), I just was so angry I had to
unload somewhere.
Sorry if I bummed everybody's day out. Hope your
Mother's Day went well, even if mine didn't. Ja,
-Misha-chan |