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Gallery update (redesign, updated for sale page) (Tue May 15 17:34:53 2001 )

Just a quick post that I put up a Zero Ryoko cel 
for trade/best offer.. I really dont know what to 
sell it for due to the fact that its my only zero 
cel.. ALL offers will be considered, I'm not 
expecting some expensive sell price, I just want 
to know whats the best I can sell it at.. Other 
than that, I'm ALWAYS willing to trade for a good 
Ryoko cel. (preferably non Shin).. so thats an 
option too:) I also redesigned my page, and am 
putting up my cels for display again.....its 
taking awhile, so only about half of my ryoko 
cels are up right now.. As always, I'm willing to 
listen to offers on most of my cels..if its 
really good and I'm not *too* attached I probably 
won't be able to resist.. so dont be afraid to 

P.S. if anyone has some good Ryoko cels they are 
thinking of selling, let me know! Now is the best 
time since I just sold off a few older cels of 
mine (nope not Ryoko) in order to afford some 
dreams;) Thanks everyone!


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Message thread :
  • Gallery update (redesign, updated for sale page) - Chandra (May 15 17:34)

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