Okay, I'm a tad bummed because I had to pass up a
cel I liked due to the fact that I'm waiting to
hear back about other cels I've ordered. . . So
here's a new thread!
What do you do after racing to put in your order
for something, or after hopping on the chance to
make an offer on someone else's cel, or while
waiting for an auction to end. . . ? Other than
twiddle your thumbs and bite your nails. (Is that
the cel collector's equivalent of walking up
stairs while chewing gum?) I'm curious. ^_^
Me, when I order something and while I'm waiting
to hear back about it, I usually look around at
all other cels for sale that I can find from the
given anime. ^_^; I don't know why!
And if not that, I find I sort of "fidgit" online.
(Check the Forum. Hmm - already read everything.
Check another forum. Nothing new there. Check the
e-mail. No new messages. Go check the Forum
again. No new posts. Go look at all the auctions
I'm watching. No changes. Check the e-mail. No
new messages. . . ^_^;;)
On the other hand, it occurs to me that looking
at all the other cels for sale could, in itself,
be an extension of my "fidgiting" online. ^_^;;
So let's hear it. Hurry! Hurry! Now we're. . .
waiting. What do you all do? ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (off to clean the apartment) |