A number of the people who sell cels on eBay are
not major dealers like Taro and so would rather
not deal with the hassles of international
shipping because they are not trying to establish
a consistent customer base. Some of these people
need money fast for various reasons and the wait
for the payment to arrive from a foreigner, along
with the time needed to process it, could be a
Another issue is shipping. Mailing a package to
an international address is always more work than
to one in the US because you have to fill out
customs forms. (Not sure exactly about sending it
to Canada or Mexico, but pretty sure for anywhere
else, e.g., Great Britain.) And can you imagine
the headache if the cel is lost in transit? It's
bad enough trying to find a piece of lost mail
within your own country's postal system, but good
luck locating one that goes overseas. Even with
tracking things get lost. :(
---Trebuchet |